A collection of publications related to the GALATEO project: monographs, volumes, articles appeared on selected journals and accepted papers currently on press - as well as in preparation.

– L. Portuese, Life at Court. Ideology and Audience in the Late Assyrian Palace, Münster, Zaphon, marru 11, 2020, ISBN 978-3-96327-134-2.
– L. Portuese, Manners and Etiquette in Ancient Mesopotamia. A Sociological and Anthropological Approach. in preparation.
– L. Portuese, GALATEO. A New Project Paving the Way for the Study of Manners and Etiquette in the Ancient Near East. Orient Antiquus, Series Nova (2021): 129-144. READ
– L. Portuese, A Gender-Centered Perspective on Manners and Etiquette for Understanding the Historical Role of the Assyrian Queen. KASKAL Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico 19 (2022): 71-98. READ
– L. Portuese, Worshipping Divine Statues in Ancient Assyria: Protocol, Emotions, and Etiquette. Henoch (2023): 250-268.
– L. Portuese, The Assyrian Royal Banquet: A Sociological and Anthropological Approach. In: S. de Martino / E. Devecchi / C. Lippolis / V. Messina / M. Viano (eds.), Eating and Drinking in the Ancient Near East, Proceedings of the 67th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held in Turin, July 12-16, 2021. dubsar. Münster: Zaphon, 353-364. READ
– L. Portuese, Perceiving the Divinity of the Assyrian King: Two Observations from the Sidelines on a Recent Book by Julian E. Reade. Bibliotheca Orientalis 80 (2023). in print.
– L. Portuese, Un homme et une femme. Humanly Divine Love Affairs in the Garden Scene of Assurbanipal. In: E. Bennet / M. Cifarelli / O. N’Shea / A. Thomason (eds.), GeMANE 4-5 Proceedings. wEdge. Münster: Zaphon. in print.
– L. Portuese, Gods, Rulers, and Death: Nonverbal Expressions and Group Identity in Syro-Anatolian and Assyrian Monumental Art. In: B.Sass / L. Battini (eds.), Mortals, Deities and Divine Symbols. Rethinking Ancient Imagery from the Levant to Mesopotamia. Studies offered to Tallay Ornan. Archaeopress. in print.
– L. Portuese, Text, Context, and Image: Taking Another Look at the ubāna tarāṣu Gesture, Iraq. in print
– L. Portuese, Etiquette in Art: The Mesopotamian Clasping of the Hands Gesture. In: L. Portuese (ed.), Mind Your Manners: Etiquette Rules from Mesopotamia and Beyond. Orbis Biblical et Orientalis. in preparation
– L. Portuese (ed.), Mind Your Manners: Etiquette Rules from Mesopotamia and Beyond. Proceedings of the Workshop held at the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) Annual Meeting held in Boston, November 19, 2022. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis. in preparation